Research Director
Professor Karre Laxminarayana was
an Electronic Scientist and later Project Director
at Defence Electronics and Research Laboratory (DLRL)
and after 37 years of service he moved to academics. He
was Professor & Head, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering at Shadan College of
Engineering and Technology from 2003. He served IETE as
council member and was elected as Vice-President in
2012. He is also involved in professional activities of
IEEE where he coordinated the low-cost exhibits at B. M.
Birla Science Centre, Hyderabad. He was the first President of the
Cafet-Innova Technical Society (2007-2010), Chief
Operating Officer at BRCORP (2012-2017) and
honorary consultant to Indian Red Cross Society. He was
presented with Best Senior Citizen Association Award in
2013 by the cabinet Minister for pensions, Government of
Andhra Pradesh.