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Journals > IJASET



International Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

ISSN 2348-0157, Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 4.052, ISI Impact Factor: 0.278
Indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus


Published by:

Basha Research Corporation (BRCORP)

H. No 5-5-973, Plot No 12, Hakeemabad Colony, Chintalkunta
Hyderabad - 500 074, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA




Ranipet Hafeez Basha

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Kumamoto University, JAPAN


Dr. Raju Aedla

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, INDIA


click here for Editorial Board


Scope of the Journal:

The International Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology shall cater the requirements of various applied sciences including Applied Chemistry, Applied Engineering, Applied Linguistics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Archaeology, Computing Technology, Electronics, Energy and Energy Storage, Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering, Fisheries Science, Forensic Science, Forestry science, Materials Science, Nuclear Technology, Optics, Security Engineering, etc. published by Basha Research Corporation (BRCORP)


Guidelines to Authors:

Prospective researchers can submit their full length manuscripts to [email protected]

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Published Issues:


Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan-Dec 2014
Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan-Dec 2013
Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan-Dec 2012


Publication Fee:


Professionals from India: 2000 INR

Students from India: 1000 INR


Professional from SAARC Countries: FREE

Students from SAARC Countries: FREE


Professionals from other Countries: 200 USD

Students from other Countries: 100 USD




� Copyright 2015 BRCORP � All rights reserved

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