5th WCSET-2016 at Vietnam 

Technical Session - 6

Title:            Method of Calculating Optimization of Metal-Rubber Bearing Parameters of Engine by using Gomory Graph
Authors:       Le Ngoc Tu, Nguyen Huy Truong
Abstract:     Tranminsion clusters of engine are always the culprit causing oscillation and noise while the car is moving. This component is integrated to the frame of the car by rubber-metal bearing. The oscillation of tranminsion clusters depends on the force generated when the engine is running and the force stimulated from the frame when the car is moving. The article is an presentation of a method to reduce the oscillation caused by the main tranminsion cluster by searching for the optimization parameters of the harness of the engine bearing. The exploration of the optimization parameter of the hardness of the tranminsion cluster bearing is based on building and selection oscillation model, solving differential equations and optimizing the outputs by using Gomory’s graph.

Keywords:    Rubber-Metal, Damping Mount, Optimization, Gomory Graph
Pages:         310-314

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