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Journals > IJASGE > July 2014 | ||||||||
International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, Volume 03,
No. 03, July 2014,
Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.929,
ICV 4.94
Title: Study on meteorological data and consumptive irrigation
requirement for four Upazilas in Rajshahi Pages: 202-206, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Flexural Behaviour of Corner Beam�Column Joint with and without
Slab Under Cyclic Loading in RC Framed Structures Pages: 207-211, Country: India
Title: Effect of aggregate shape on the strength of bituminous mixes Pages: 212-215, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Statistical evaluation of bearing capacity of Khulna sub-soil Pages: 216-220, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Geo textile - A Tremendous invention of geo technical engineering Pages: 221-227, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Cost optimization of column Pages: 228-233, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Pile capacity in Khulna sub-soil Pages: 234-237, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Utilization of rice husk as an effective sub surface drainage
material Pages: 238-241, Country: India
Title: Development of strength and compressibility correlations of
cohesive soils of some regions in Khulna city Pages: 242-245, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Analysis of Factors Causing Schedule Delay in Construction
Projects in Bangladesh Pages: 246-255, Country: South Korea
Title: Effect of induced vibration on fresh concrete Pages: 256-260, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Experimental study on effect of Colloidal nano SiO2 and fly ash
addition on Properties of cement Mortar Pages: 261-264, Country: India
Title: Comparison of wind load among BNBC and other codes in different
type of areas Pages: 265-271, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Probabilistic Risk Evaluation of RC Building - Comparison of Modeling Approaches Pages: 272-282, Country: India
Title: Statistical analysis of leachate characteristics in pilot scale
landfill lysimeter Pages: 283-292, Country: Bangladesh
Title: Optimal Design of Simply Supported Prestressed Concrete Girders
using Direct Optimization Technique Pages: 293-298, Country: Pakistan
Title: Applications of fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRP) in
civil engineering Pages: 299-309, Country: Bangladesh
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