Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 03 JULY 2017:
Title: Effect
of Obstacle Material Type on Local Scour
Bintul Huda Mir*, Mohd Akbar Lone, Javaid Ahmad Bhat
Abstract: There have been decades
of research on scour phenomenon. But, due to the
complexity of the processes involved, it is not possible
to take into account all parameters in a single study.
One such parameter that has not been given its due
consideration is the material of the obstacle. In the
flow channel, any kind of obstacle can be encountered;
it may be a well-defined hydraulic structure made of
concrete; huge boulder or a wooden structure, etc.
Laboratory experiments were conducted in a glass sided
flume to study the effect of obstacle material type on
local scour. Circular obstacles were modelled in three
different materials; concrete, wood and steel. These
obstacles were studied in bed material of silt factor
1.11. Scouring was observed for varying discharges along
the periphery of these obstacles. The results were a
clear indication that the material type of obstacle was
an important variable affecting local scour. Along with
the shape, the surface characteristics of the obstacle
have also been found to have an effect on local scour.
It was clearly evident that the wooden obstacle showed
lesser scour while scour around the steel obstacle was
maximum. This pattern of local scouring is clearly a
response of the surface roughness of the material used;
which offer the respective resistance to the removal of
sediment around the obstacles. Based on these results an
empirical model was developed for predicting local scour
around an obstacle.
Keywords: Scour, Local Scour, Obstacle,
Flume, Absolute Surface Roughness, Hydraulic Structures,
Discharge, Surface Characteristics, Concrete, Wood,