Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 05 NO. 01 JANUARY 2016:

Title:          On the deflection of window glass subjected to lateral forces
Muhammad Tayyab Naqash
This paper deals with the deflection of double glazed unit made of glass. Some results obtained from the structural testing for deflection only has been mentioned. Structural performance has also been compared with a simplified numerical model of the window in Robot Structural Analysis software. Furthermore for a quick check the glass has been checked following “ASTM E1300” standard using software tool “Window Glass Design”, considering it to be rectangular unit. Quite good agreement has been found between the results obtained from the structural testing and numerical model when subjected to pressure. The cause of disagreement in the deflection values when the DGU is subjected to suction and pressure are not dealt in this report.

Structural Testing, Glass, Windows, Façade Engineering, Wind Pressure, Glass Standards
Pages:           15-22

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