Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 03 JULY 2015:
Title: Development
of Live Load Calibration Factor for State Highway Bridge
Design of Pakistan
Authors: Sabaa Shoaib, Liaqat A.
Qureshi, Muhammad Fahad
The most dynamic of all the loads for a bridge
structure are the live loads that play a vital role
in,determination of strength of the structure. Bridge is
a structure that has to bear the combined effect of all
the axle loads traversing it and therefore it is very
necessary for the structure to be carefully designed for
the heavy live loads, it is expected to be traversed in
its life time. Bridge unlike pavements (designed to
withstand millions of application of such axle loads)
may not withstand even a single such heavier load for
which it is not designed. Overloading of vehicles on
state highway has been monitored and properly analyzed
in this research study. The effects of vehicular live
load models as dictated by “West Pakistan Code of
Practice for Highway Bridges (WPCPHB)”and “American
Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO)” have been compared with the traffic
data collected and statistically analyzed from
weigh-in-motion (WIM) station. The WIM station located
at N-5, the largest and the most overly crowded highway
of Pakistan is selected. This research has been
conducted to propose the methodologies and protocols
necessary for addressing the current traffic
characteristics of Pakistan. Calibration factors have
been proposed with both WPCPHB and AASHTO live load
models to be used for the designing of highway bridges
in Pakistan.
Keywords: Live Load Model, AASHTO, WPCPHB, Axle
Load, Traffic, NTRC, NHA, WIM Station