Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 03 JULY 2015:
Potential applicability of mesh–free method using
penalty approach
Authors: Muthu Vijay P.,
Nandakishore, Bhavana Patel, K. S. Babunarayan
The accuracy of a FEM solution depends upon how
well the structure is discretized, whereas Mesh free
method works on the nodes and their domains to arrive at
the solution without discretization of the structure. An
attempt has been made to develop a purely mesh less
method. An example has been illustrated to demonstrate
the potential application of the same. No background
mesh is employed in this process even for nodal
integration. Complexity involved with the numerical
integration using Gaussian quadrature is completely
ruled out. MLS procedure is deployed to arrive at the
shape functions. Penalty approach is used to enforce the
boundary condition. An algorithm based on MATLAB coding
is developed to obtain displacement profile along the
length of the 2-D cantilever loaded with a point load at
free end. The result obtained shows good agreement with
the analytical solution and FEM solution.
Mesh-free method, Moving Least Square, EFG,
Penalty method, nodal direct integration, purely
meshless method, shape function, MATLAB coding