Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 04  NO. 02 APRIL 2015:

Title:         Macro and Micro Responses of Granular Materials under Plane Strain Compression by 3D DEM
Md. Mahmud Sazzad, Ripon Kumer Shaha, Md. Shehabul Islam, Sayera Kawsari
This study presents the macro- and micro-mechanical responses of granular materials under plane strain compression (PSC) using the discrete element method (DEM). Three cubical shaped samples having different void ratios were numerically prepared using eleven different sizes of spheres, the diameter of which ranges from 3 to 4 mm. The spheres were randomly placed in a cubical shaped sample in such a way that no sphere should touch the other and later, compressed isotropically to 100 KPa using the periodic boundaries. The numerical samples prepared in this way were subjected to shear deformation under PSC. It is noted that the simulated stress-strain-dilative behaviors are in good agreement with the experimental studies under PSC for different void ratios. The evolution of a non-dimensional parameter [ ( ) ( )] b   2  3 1  3 with axial strain for different void ratios is reported as well. The micro-responses depict that their evolution depends on the void ratio and loading conditions of the simulations. The fabric measure evolve during shear deformation is presented in details and it is noted that the evolution of fabric measure has an excellent similarity to that of the stress ratio in PSC. A relationship between the macro stress ratio and the micro-parameter is established as well
Plane strain compression, Micro-parameters, Discrete element method, b-value, Fabric
:         114-119

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