Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 04 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:

Title:            Nonlinear Finite Element Bending Analysis of Composite Cylindrical Panels
Authors:      S. N. Patel
Abstract:  This paper deals with the geometric nonlinear bending response of laminated composite cylindrical panels subjected to transverse loading. The eight-noded degenerated shell element with five degrees of freedom per node is adopted in the present analysis to model the composite cylindrical panels. The Green-Lagrange strain displacement relationship is adopted to formulate the matrices. The total Lagrangian approach is taken in the formulation. The arc-length method of solution is adopted in tracing the equilibrium path. The results by this method are compared with the available results and the conclusions are made.  

Keywords: Degenerated shell element, nonlinear analysis, Green-Lagrange nonlinearity, Cylindrical Panels, Arc-length method, laminated composite.
Pages:          11-15

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