4th WCSET-2015 at Japan
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering:
Load Management using Virtual Machine Migration
Sandeep Joshi, Pradeep Kumar Tiwari
Abstract: Load
balance mechanism does the vital role in high
performance computing (HPC) and energy efficient
computing (EEC). An effective load balance mechanism
achieves high performance resource management. Several
load management platform (e.g. Openstack, Nebula and
Eucaluptus) available to simulate/perform status of
algorithm. Load balance manager should be able to
customize the resource management and also able to find
objectives (e.g. high speed performance, flexibility
during migration and energy aware resource allocation.
Load balance mainly belongs to three categories (a)
Cluster (b) Grid (c) Cloud computing. Proper load
distributions among the all VMs are necessary to achieve
objectives of load balance. Proposed paper focused on
thrashing mechanism to manage the resources during live
migration in different VMs. Paper also focused on
different aspect of trashing resource management policy
to manage resources in effective way and time. Our
algorithm will be effective to classify between high
loaded machine and under loaded machine by using trash
value of VM.
Keywords: VM (Virtual
Machine), Load Balance, Resource management, Migration