4th WCSET-2015 at Japan
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering:
Bilinear and Translative Expansions of Certain
Generating Functions for Addition Theorem
Sesappa A. Rai
Abstract: This paper
introduces the calculus for expanding certain bivariate
functions in a bilinear form, especially, in a recursive
fashion. Such an expansion is increasingly used in
developing efficient algorithms with compressive
representation for various computational problems
involving, for example, Green’s function or a
correlation function, at large sets of unequally space
samplings points. The calculus is a unification,
abstraction and simplification of the expansion
techniques that have been used in many individual cases.
The objective is to provide a systematic guidance in
development of expansioncompression-based algorithms,
and furthermore, to underlie a computer based platform
for facilitating the development process.
Keywords: Addition Theorem,
Translative Expansion, Bivariate Functions