4th WCSET-2015 at Japan
Civil Engineering:
Experimental Analysis of Wettability Alteration by
change of Salinity Modification for Heavy Crude Oil
Ronald Nguele, Kyuro Sasaki, Yuichi Sugai, Hikmat
Said-Al Salim, Masanori Nakano
Abstract: Wet
ability of porous media are altered from preferential
liquid-wetting to preferential gas-wetting. The present
work is an insight that addresses the issue of
wettability alteration by change in brine. Moreover,
herein is presented the effect of reservoir water
concentration on surface tension of oil. By means of
contact angle measurements, a Berea sandstone core was
saturated with crude oil and used as reservoir rock. Not
only the spreading was found to be dependent of the
contacting fluid properties, but also the surface
tension increased significantly with the concentration
in brine. Moreover, the spreading on the core, which to
an extent accesses the performance of waterflooding, was
seen to be altered by chemical composition of the brine.
Keywords: Wet ability;
Surface tension; Salinity; Crude oil