4th WCSET-2015 at Japan
Special Session (Nuclear Fusion):
Atomic and molecular data and modeling of tungsten
plasma -facing materials for fusion energy
Authors: D. KATO,
H. A. Sakaue, I. Murakami, N. Nakamura, T. Muroga
Safety and fueling efficiency are key issues to realize
fusion power plants on the earth. Tungsten is selected
as divertor materials for ITER (International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), because less
tritium retention and erosion are expected. However,
radiation damages by D-T neutrons and high heat fluxes
to the divertor will enhance tritium retention and
erosion of the tungsten materials. Modeling and data on
tritium retention in damaged tungsten are advanced by
means of Density Functional Theory (DFT). Multiple
hydrogen trapping in single mono-vacancies forming VHn
complexes were predicted from first-principals [1].
Hydrogen de-trapping rates from the large complexes
(n=3) exhibit the double peak feature as a function of
temperature [2] that have experimentally been observed
in deuterium thermal desorption spectra of D+-
irradiated tungsten specimens. DFT molecular statics
analysis reveals that the VHn complexes can supress
vacancy and self-interstitial-atom (SIA) annihilation
and trap the adjacent SIA [3]. Tungsten sputtered into
core plasmas is highly ionized and will cause large
radiation power loss of the core plasmas. Spectral data
of line emission from tungsten ions can be used to
investigate tungsten ion distributions in the core
plasmas. A compact electron-beam-ion-trap (CoBIT) [4, 5]
was originally developed to measure precisely the
emission line of Wq+ ions of q = 10-30 colliding with a
mono-energetic electron beam. Spectral modeling using
collisional-radiative models based on complex kinetic
processes of the tungsten ions in plasmas is also
carried out [6].
Keywords: Tungsten,
Radiation damage, Tritium retention, Density functional
theory, Highly charged ion, Electron beam ion trap,
Collisional-Radiative model