4th WCSET-2015 at Japan
Plenary Session:
Fusion Power to solve Energy issue for Human
Fusion is a fundamental process of the energy supply for
human [1], [2]. Our Sun provides huge light energy to
our Planet Earth by the fusion reaction in its center.
Bringing the Sun to our planet Earth is an ambitious
challenge for us, the scientists. 20th to 21st centuries
are Era of mass consumption of fossil resources. As we
all know, fossil resource is a special form of solar
energy deposited inside the Earth in 300 million years
ago. Fossil Era will end in a moment (a few century)
compared with our historical life. Now, more than 50% of
world coal consumption is made in China to support
strong economical development. We expect huge increase
in energy consumption in India in a few decades. We
human, especially Asian scientist, must develop
sustainable energy system while we still have fossil
resources. Fusion research is one of such efforts to
develop sustainable energy system for human. While
fission is relatively easy to demonstrate its technical
feasibility, fusion takes long time to develop. India,
China, EU, US, Russia, Japan and Korea jointly
developing an experimental reactor called ITER at
Cadarache, France [3]. The total population of
participating parties exceeds half of world population.
Future energy needs is very large in both India and
China and it is natural to see both countries are
working on this joint venture. ITER utilize “tokamak”
confinement principle to sustain high temperature plasma
in which deuterium and tritium fuses to produce fusion
energy. This will be a fantastic opportunity for human
to understand fusion physics and develop fusion energy
via DEMO [4]. Tokamak is leading concept for
magnetically confined plasma but helical confinement [5]
also provides promising opportunity for this challenge.
Fusion science also provides rich scientific bases for
fundamental physics including radiation [6] and atomic
and molecular physics [7] as well as various plasma
applications such as pulsed power [8], plasma medicine
Keywords: Energy, Fusion,
Tokamak, ITER, Asia, India, China