3th WCSET-2014 at Nepal
Applied Sciences Session:
Diversity and function of plant growth promoting
Rhizobacteria associated with wheat Rhizosphere in North
Manoj Kumar Singh, Basant Narain Singh, C. B. Tiwary
The purpose of this study was to investigate the
diversity of bacteria associated with the root of wheat.
Present study revels, the diversity of bacterial
isolates from soils under wheat cultivation in Gopalganj
district located in north Bihar with irrigated and
non-irrigated field plains and inhabiting several
bacterial species. Phenotypic and physiological
characteristics of the isolates were record to
categorize and identify the bacteria. In all 133
different bacteria isolates were recovered from four
different locations of which two were rain fed and two
were irrigated. The spread plate technique on nutrient
agar was use to isolates and purifies all the strains.
The characteristics of the bacterial strains were
determined using the colony morphology, gram staining as
well as biochemical properties. On the basis of
biochemical characterization 44 % were Bacillus sp. and
24% belong to Pseudomonas sp. Genera identified in the
rhizosphere isolates were also found in the rhizoplane
isolates. Shannon Winner index of microbial diversity
was 1.752 in irrigated crop and 1.594 in rain fed crop
but there were no significant differences.
Keywords: Rhizobacteria,
Wheat, North Bihar, Rhizospere