3th WCSET-2014 at Nepal
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Session:
An Integrated Approach to Provide Security and Resist
Thefts on Digital Data Finger Vein Biometric Match-on
S. Mahaboob Hussain, A.S.N. Chakravarthy
In our day to day life, many new technologies are
introduced to provide the security of the data and
identity. Now a day’s recognizing humans by their
identity and protecting information security is a social
key problem to be solved. However, identity security
plays a crucial role for an accurate authentication
purposes. Biometric technologies such as fingerprint,
face and iris recognition have seen everywhere
throughout the past decades to increase the security,
convenience, accountability to provide the secure
authentication which in turn preventing identity fraud.
Individuals who appear to have previously enrolled using
a different identity can be highlighted for further
investigation by searching through the stored
references. It is very difficult to perform this type of
check without the use of biometrics. The present
situations where identity theft is the fastest growing
crime in the world, biometrics alone is not secure to
authenticate an identity. Biometrics and smart cards are
two of the most powerful security solutions available
today. Here, in this paper we introduce a new mechanism
to provide better security and services with Biometric
Match-on Smart Card technology with the combination of
finger vein pattern. So, by using multiple factor
authentications one can provide high security for
access, protecting sensitive data, tracking on-line
systems, etc.
Keywords: Security;
Authentication; Biometrices; Match-on-Smart Cards;
Finger Vein Patterns