3th WCSET-2014 at Nepal
Civil Engineering / Environmental / Architecture / Planning Session:
Determining the Sensitivity of Rainfall- Runoff Model
using Artificial Neural Network Approach
Chandre G. C., Mayya S. G.
Rainfall runoff modeling using neural network technique
has been attempted. Neural network gives good non linear
relationship and mimics the physical behavior of the
real case example: Neural network architecture with
input layer, single hidden layer and an output layer was
selected. Daily lag time precipitations and daily stream
flow are considered as inputs. Different scenario of
input combinations for runoff as output was tried. The
response of output for input variation was analyzed. It
was observed that mean square error show minimum value
for a combination of three day lag precipitation and two
day lag runoff, further variation increases the mean
square error. Nethravathi basin originating from Western
Ghats and flowing towards the west reaching the Arabian
Sea was selected as study area.
Neural Network, Sensitivity, Rainfall-Runoff