Int. J. Architecture, Planning & Building Engineering

ISSN 2455-5045, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:

Title:            Solid waste as a potential construction material for cost-efficient housing in India
Authors:      Dibya Jivan Pati, Kazuhisa Iki, Riken Homma
Abstract:   India is one among many developing countries to face the problem of housing demand which has eventually lead to increase in cost of housing and this would become a serious issue in near future. There have been broad studies on effort of reducing cost of housing yet many fail to provide affordability to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low-income group (LIG). At the same time such urbanization issue eventually lead to affecting one of the major physical infrastructure, i.e. - an increasing garbage disposal sites which in turn reduce the land availability for domestic housing which is a major concern of all times. Though solid wastes are considered to be non-profit material and has nothing to do with money unless it comes to waste management system, yet it has an invaluable potential in many ways. In this research solid waste like Plastic, Glass and Metal (PGM) waste have been studied as the main ingredients for an alternative construction material to build low-cost dwelling units in India and resolve the high price of construction meanwhile reducing the chances of huge amount of garbage disposal. Furthermore, it can encourage its use even among the many other real-estate and high-income groups through proper planning proposal and its purpose in various aspects.

Keywords:   Housing, Construction Material, Cost Efficient, Solid Waste
Pages:          01-06

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