Int. J. Architecture, Planning & Building Engineering
ISSN 2455-5045, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 01 NO. 01 OCTOBER 2014:
A Paratransit Maintenance Cost–Allocation Model
for Khulna Metropolitan City, Bangladesh
M. S. Newaz, M. A. Rahman, Q. S. Hossain, S. A. Ali
Abstract: The
maintenance cost of public transit vehicles constitutes
significant portion of transit system’s total operating
cost. This study reports on the development of a
paratransit (Auto rickshaw and Easy bike) maintenance
cost model. For this the physical, maintenance, and
service costs of 102 Auto rickshaws operating over
Ferryghat-Fulbarigate and 104 easy bikes operating over
Ferryghat-Rupsha and Ferryghat- Sonadanga routes in
Khulna metropolitan city were collected. Then various
operational characteristics of both the vehicles were
analyzed. A correlation matrix, indicating degrees of
linear association between a set of explanatory
variables (number of stops, route length, travel speed,
kilometers of operation, numbers of service runs, hours
of operation, vehicle age, route pavement condition, and
daily maintenance cost) was studied. The multiple linear
regression models were developed for paratransit by
using statistical software SPSS v16. The correlation
coefficient (R2) value for the selected models were
0.682 (68.2%) and 0.706 (70.6%) for Auto rickshaw and
Easy bike respectively. The variables were significant
for 95% confidence interval. The models represent how
the variables of cost- allocation (which are the main
causes of maintenance cost) are correlated.
Keywords: Khulna Metropolitan
City, Paratransit vehicles, Operating cost, Cost
Allocation model