Int. J. Architecture, Planning & Building Engineering

ISSN 2455-5045, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 01 NO. 01 OCTOBER 2014:

Title:          Urban Intersection Analysis
Authors:     Syed Shahan Ali Shah, Muhammad Umer, Abdur Rehman, Muhammad Riaz, Zeeshan Khan
Abstract:     This research paper presents data collection and traffic analysis of Phase 3 and Iqra intersection Peshawar Pakistan. Inventory surveys including traffic control devices and traffic volume studies were conducted and data was collected. Standard statistical expressions were used to calculate volume to capacity ratio of road. Data analysis yield that road is not overloaded and traffic jams are only because of poor management. On the basis of results and location of road, various suggestions and recommendations were given.

Keywords:   Traffic Analysis, Passenger Car Unit, Volume to Capacity Ratio
Pages:          19-23

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