Villgro's Unconvention Series at T-Hub

Villgro's Unconvention Series at T-Hub

Dr. R. Hafeez Basha, Chief Technology Officer, BRCORP at Villgro's Unconvention Series, T-Hub

Dr. Hafeez Basha gave a presentation on Incubation Programs at T-Hub, IIIT-Hyderabad Campus on 19th July 2017 during the Workshop on Business Planning and Financial Modelling for a Social Enterprise by Mr. Rahul Bhardwaj, Head - Social Entrepreneurship Programs, Bala Vikasa International Center (Canadian NGO). The event was Unconvention Series hosted by Villgro, India’s oldest and foremost social enterprise incubator that funds, mentors and incubates early-stage, innovation-based social enterprises that impact the lives of India’s poor.

During his presentation he highlighted the Socent Fellowship which offers financial and non-financial support to budding Social Entrepreneurs who have great ideas and ability to become sucessful enterprises. He also explained the venture conceptualization analysis based incubation process which includes Mentoring, Education & Access to Knowledge, Networking & People Connection, Financing & Access to Finance, Facility based services, Brand building & Business Services.

Mentoring is done by onboard professionals from various established organizations with varied experience and expertise who volunteer on regular basis depending on the business area of the incubates. However, the resident mentors like Mr. Shoury Reddy, Mr. Ramana Gupta, Mr. Rahul Bhardwaj, Dr. Hafeez Basha and Mr. Vijay Kumar are accessible at any time.

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