6th WCSET-2017 at Indonesia
Technical Session 6:
Processing Investigationship Plastic Types of HDPE
become an Alternative Materials using The Pyrolysis
Authors: Imam
Syafi’i, Nuryosuwito, Supriyanto
Abstract: This research is based on
the number of plastic waste. Beyond that there are also
types of zeolite catalysts that have not been utilized
further. The waste is able to be utilized using a
pyrolisis process that can convert the waste into fuel
oil.The objectives of this research are: (1) to know the
process of pyrolysis in HDPE type plastic waste with
zeolite catalyst, (2) get the viscosity, weight, and
volume value of HDPE plastic pyrolisis waste with
natural catalyst.The method used in the experimental
method, variables varied in this study were the time of
combustion of the pyrolysis process using time
variations for 60 minutes, 120 minutes, 180 minutes, 240
minutes, 300 minutes and 360 minutes. The response
variables of this study include fluid volume, specific
gravity and oil viscosity. The results of this study
indicate that the highest fluid volume can be achieved
with burning time of 180 minutes, while the highest
density can be achieved with a combustion time of 60
minutes, then the lowest oil viscosity can be obtained
with 360 minutes burning time. The conclusion of this
research is the time of combustion and addition of
catalyst able to influence the level of oil quality of
pyrolisi process in liquid volume aspect, specific
gravity and viscosity. Keywords: HDPE Plastic Trash,
catalyst, alternative fuels, pyrolysis products.