6th WCSET-2017 at Indonesia
Technical Session 3:
Effect of Alkali Activators on Compressive Strength of
Geopolymer Mortars with GGBS and Metakaolin
Authors: B. Sarath Chandra
Kumar, K. Ramesh
Abstract: Energy saving in building
technology is among the most critical problems in the
world. Thus, it is a need to develop sustainable
alternatives to conventional concrete utilizing more
environmental friendly materials. One of the
possibilities to work out is the massive usage of
industrial wastes like flyash, ground granulated blast
furnace slag (GGBS), rice husk ash, metakaolin etc… to
turn them to useful environmental friendly and
technologically advantageous cementitious materials. In
this study, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS)
and metakaolin is used to produce of mortar with the
effect of alkaline activator concentration. Mortar is
prepared by using alkaline solution of sodium silicate
mixed with sodium hydroxide. The fixed ratio of sodium
silicate to sodium hydroxide is 2.5 and the
concentration of sodium hydroxide is 8M to10M. It is
found that as the molarity increases the compressive
strength of cubes increases. Concentration of 10M NaOH
promotes the best properties of mortar by achieving the
greatest compressive strength. The used of alkaline
activation system is the best method to prepare
industrial byproduct concrete. Moreover, alkali
activated product itself gains superior properties which
lead to the system become the most interesting method to
produce sustainable concrete. This paper presents the
results based on experimental study of molarity on
compressive strength of geopolymer mortar.
Keywords: Compressive Strength,
Geopolymer Mortar, Sodium Silicate, Sodium Hydroxide,