5th WCSET-2016 at Vietnam
Technical Session - 2
Environmental impact Assessments of heavy metal on soil
and water for Coimbatore, India
A. Gandhimathi, A. Anbarasi
Coimbatore is the developing City in Tamilnadu and
selected one of the smart cities in India. Coimbatore is
under industrialization and urbanization on the positive
side. Coimbatore become education Institutional hub and
consists of lot of hi-tech medical centre but there is
no proper drainage system in Coimbatore. Effluent from
industry directly discharged in the soil that create
soil pollution and water pollution. The assessment of
heavy metal chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), Mercury (Hg)
concentration in soil and water in various places of
Coimbatore was collected and experimented by using
Atomic absorption Spectrometer. The ANN model was used
to determine the heavy metal chromium (Cr), Iron Fe,
Mercury (Hg) at new places. samples were collected in
hundred places like roads, dumping yard, industry zone,
domestic area and traffic area based on latitude and
longitude .Maximum heavy metal are identified in wet
land (Suggam and Sulur Lake, Traffic area (Gandhipuram),
nearby electro plating industry (in Ganapathi)
Keywords: Industrialization, ANN
model, Heavy Metal Chromium (Cr), Iron Fe, Mercury (Hg)