BRCORP acquires Journals of Cafet-Innova Technical Society

20 December 2015, Press Release

The Basha Research Corporation expands its list of publications by acquiring the international journals published by the Cafet-Innova Technical Society namely International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0976-1519, International Journal of Industrial Electronics, Control and Robotics ISSN 2231-4903 and International Journal of Engineering and Science Students ISSN 2278-7607. The agreement was made between both the organizations, represented and signed by Dr. Raju Aedla, Secretary General of Cafet-Innova Technical Society and Mr. Ranipet Hafeez Basha, Vice President - Technology, Basha Research Corporation at Kumamoto City, Japan.

The International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904 shall not be part of this acquisition and however continue as key publication of Cafet-Innova Technical Society according to its President Prof. Dharmapuram Venkat Reddy who is honorary Editor-in-Chief and Professor at National Institute of Technology (NIT-Karnataka), India. Prof. Reddy also mentioned that world’s foremost STM publisher SPRINGER was interested for the acquisition. The Journals of Cafet-Innova Technical Society were indexed and abstracted by leading organizations like Thomson Reuters Web of Science, SCOPUS Elsevier, Engineering Village Ei Compendex, etc.

The Basha Research Corporation shall take these journals to the higher level by investing on its global circulation, review quality and publicity, while the Cafet-Innova Technical Society shall focus on addressing the issues of higher education and students' involvement in research.

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