Int. J. Architecture, Planning & Building Engineering
ISSN 2455-5045, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 02 APRIL 2015:
Identities Sighting Appreciation - Why Urban Design
initiatives need to be empowered
Authors: Vikas
Kumar Nirmal
Abstract: The soul and character of the
cities is reflected by its identities which creates ‘The
Image of City’ as famously crafted by Kevin Lynch.The
basic ingredients forming the image have all the five
elements that together create its identification on
larger front. These identities have often been a part of
city’s magnets from domestic to international arena.A
large number of these ends up having their share of
appreciation whereas some though deserves equal praise
but lose their identity in the process of aggressive
urbanization and fast changing lifestyles of
urbanites.They will always sight that moments of
appreciation which they deserve but failed to do so due
to lack of elemental relationships with the foreground,
the background, the surroundings and the local
fabric.Theseelements may be passive but plays a vital
role in enhancing the beauty to be cherished
always.Suchinitiatives of creating the identities- the
landmarks, the avenues, the streetscape bring in lot of
qualitative essence to the city’s built environment i.e.
Urban Design.Urban Design has always been a major focus
in academic fronts but has been majorly a neglected
field in the practical arenas far as planning of urban
areas is considered. These Urban Design strategies are
very rarely prevalent and that too only in metropolitans
and emphasized upon the cities like Lutyen’s zone of
Delhi NCT (National Capital Territory) whereas a large
part of towns and cities doesn’t even seen aglimpse of
Urban Design initiatives and offer a disturbing trend of
offending the Architecture landscape of urban areas.The
paper has tried to highlight the examples of various
such examples of landmarks which deserves their share of
appreciation as regional or national identities but
failed to do so due to dearth of Urban Design
initiatives to enhance the beauty of built environment.
Keywords: The Image of City, Kevin Lynch,
Elemental relationships, Landmarks, Avenues,
Streetscape,Urban Design, Lutyen’s zone, Delhi NCT and
Architecture landscape.