Int. J. Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2348-0157, ISI Impact Factor: 0.278
VOLUME 05 NO. 02 APRIL 2017:
Title: Solar PV and Biogas Hybrid Electrical Power Generation
for a Remote Place
Authors: M.
Rajender Reddy, J. Bhagwan Reddy, G. S. N. Dhipti
Abstract: This paper discuss about how
to increase the system efficiency and to limit the use
of conventional energy resources. To meet the load
demands, different renewable energy sources require to
be integrated, .It includes the study of solar photo
voltaic with battery back-up and go-bar gas hybrid
system, which can be easily implemented in villages
where solar energy is available at free of cost, animals
waste can be easily provided from cattleās either at
free of cost or at very low cost. This hybrid system is
a perfect fit for electrification of rural remote hilly
place where erection of transmission lines is costly and
difficult. The proposed grid-assisted system is one of
the solutions for meeting the energy demand of the
remote places.
Keywords: Remote Area ,
Electricification, Solar Energy, Go-Bar Gas System,
Hybrid Energy.