Int. J. Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2348-0157, ISI Impact Factor: 0.278
VOLUME 05 NO. 01 JANUARY 2017:
Title: Extraction of Photovoltaic Module Parameters from
Outdoor and Converting into Standard Test Conditions
Avanti Thakre, Paresh Nasikkar
Abstract: Photovoltaic (PV) technology
turns to be an evolving technique worldwide. This paper
describes the technique used to extract the photovoltaic
module characteristics from the outdoors and then
converting it to Standard Test Conditions (STC). By
applying this technique, the required electrical
parameters such as fill factor, maximum power, short
circuit current, open circuit voltage, efficiency for
the polycrystalline module are determined under the
outdoor test conditions. An electronically varying load
has been used to trace the current voltage
characteristics of PV module. Current and voltage values
from the photovoltaic module are recorded using the
microcontroller board and then it is displayed on the
monitor. The standard protocols are used to convert the
PV raw data into Standard Test Condition (STC). Measured
results are compared with STC results which are provided
by the manufacturer and their difference should be
targeted in the error margin (±3%) of the current
voltage characteristics.
Keywords: Photovoltaic Module, Short
Circuit Current, Open Circuit Voltage, Microcontroller