Int. J. Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2348-0157, ISI Impact Factor: 0.278

VOLUME 05 NO. 01 JANUARY 2017:

Title:      Theoretical Estimationof Power Generationforthe Identified Indian Geothermal Resources
         Akshinthala Raviprasad, P. Dayal Saran, R. Bharath Bhushan Singh
Abstract:       According to recent official estimates India has more than 7 sources of geothermal power yielding which could be categorized as high-to low-enthalpy sources. But till this day no serious initiative has been taken to utilize these sources for power generation. Unconfirmed estimates give India has about 10,000 MW of geothermal power potential that can be harnessed for various purposes. This estimate of resources has been obtained by adding all of the estimated geothermal potential resource and reserves classified as a) Theoretical b) Technical c) Economic d) Developable and e) Sustainable from all sites by various studies. Geothermal power plants can be classified as flashed steam plant, dry steam plant, binary power plant, hybrid power plant and enhanced geothermal system. This paper describes the geothermal potentials locations of India in terms of their capacities. Methods for approximate estimation based on theoretical studies of the above geothermal power generation plants have been carried out. Further validation of the methods discussed is in progress. Theoretical studies are based on assumed constants based on the different practical experimental approaches from the available literature survey. Reported papers mention the depths for reservoirs found are between 400 to 1000 m depth and surface temperature of the hot springs range from 350C to as high as 980C. With the above values of temperature values it can be estimated that power generation is possible in a cost effective manner with suggestions for further improvements in the power plant for the identified technologies.

Keywords:  High-to low enthalpy, geothermal potentials, Cost effectiveness
Pages:        8-11

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