Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 02 APRIL 2016:
Chemical Scrubbing for removal of CO2 from Biogas using
Algae and H2S using Sponge Iron
Authors: L.
Mohanakrishnan, Kurian Joseph
Abstract: Biogas, a byproduct of
anaerobic decomposition of organic wastes, contains
50–70% methane,30–50% carbon dioxide, traces of hydrogen
sulphide, fractions of water vapour and other gases.
Purification of biogas involves the removal of CO2, H2S
and water vapour from the biogas to overcome the
problems like low energy density, corrosion in engines,
pipelines and storage cylinders, reduced heating value,
energy losses,GHG emissions etc., which hinders its
potential to be used as fuel. A Pilot level Biogas
purification unit by Chemical scrubbing method was
established to desulphurise, decarbonise and dehydrate
biogas. When biogas with H2S concentration of 27 ppm was
passed through Sponge Iron bed depth of 100 mm, 300 mm
and 500 mm, the H2S concentration decreased to 12 ppm,
9.93 ppm and 8 ppm respectively with 70 % removal of H2S
achieved at a Sponge Iron bed depth of 500 mm.99.98 %
arbon dioxide removal was achieved at the Na2CO3 flow
rate of 800 LPH. Scenedesmus obliquus is found to be
efficient in the capture of CO2. The carbonate
regeneration and bicarbonate degeneration was observed
to be 8.03 % at the end of three days of algal treatment
of Sodium bicarbonate effluent from the CO2
scrubber of the purification unit. The CO2 removal
efficiency of Water scrubbing method was found to be
30%.Whereas, an efficiency of 99.98 % was achieved with
the help of counter-current Chemical scrubbing method.
Keywords: Biogas Purification,
Enrichment, Chemical Scrubbing, Sponge Iron, Algal
Culture,Decarbonisation, Desulphurisation, Bio fuel