Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 04  NO. 01 JANUARY 2016:

Title:           Renewable Energy Application for Algae and its Co-Combustion with other Materials
     An-Peng Chen, Shuichi Torii
  Biomass is a composition of various types of waste materials that can be utilized as useful form of energy.However this new kind of energy hasn’t met its full potential in production of energy especially electricity generation due to its lower performance in terms of thermal efficiency. Algae and microalgae has been treated as the source of bio-fuel and some algae also used in fermentation for bio-gas and other phase of energy. In this paper we selected the two type of freshwater microalgae “Chlorella Vulgaris” & “Spirulina” and macro algae (Laminariaceae & Undaria pinnatifida) as the main materials and we combined with vege-oil in different combination, which analysed calorific values (heat of combustion).We found combination ratio for the analysed caloric values similar as fossil fuel (coal), and compared with the other biomass materials for its potential use in combustion system. The results in this paper will be used as a reference material for microalgae multi-oriental energy application and biomass composition proximate and ultimate research development in the future.

Biomass Energy, Microlgae, Macroalgae, Renewable Energy,
Pages:         24-27

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