Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 01 JANUARY 2016:
Integration of heat pump assisted by solar energy for
drying agro - products
Lai Quoc Dat, Chau Tran Diem Ai, Nguyen Quang Hung
Abstract: Heat pump-assisted
dehumidified has been popularly applied for drying
agricultural products.To increase the energy
utilization, the solar energy is applied for heating hot
air in the heat pump-assisted dehumidifier.This drying
system was used to dry red beetroot, artichoke and squid
at pilot scale. In the drying process of red beet root,
after 16 hours of drying, moisture was 0,094 kg/kg dried
matter; the loss of betacyanin was approximately 21%;
SMER and COP were respectively 1,67 kg of evaporated
H2O/kWh and 7,21. In the drying process of
artichoke,after 30 hours of drying, moisture was 0,11
kg/kg dried matter; the loss of antioxidant capacity was
approximately 15,5 %; SMER and COP were respectively
2,01 kg of evaporated H2O/kWh and 7,17. In the drying
process of squid, after 8 hours of drying, moisture was
1,31 kg/kg dried matter;
SMER and COP were respectively 0,59 kg of evaporated H2O
/kWh and 6,02. In comparison to bedded drying,to obtain
the same moisture, the heat pump-assisted dehumidifier
equipped solar energy collection showed the shorter
drying time and the higher quality remained. Results
indicate that, it is highly potential
to apply heat pump assisted dehumidifier equipped solar
energy collection for drying agricultural products.
Keywords: Heat Pump – Assisted
Dehumidifier, Solar Energy, Red Beetroot, Artichoke,