Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2015:

Title:          Field Testing and Evaluation of a Truncated Pyramid Solar Thermal Cooker
Ibrahim Ladan Mohammed
 This paper presents the result and evaluation of a truncated pyramid solar thermal cooker using stagnation, water boiling, and cooking tests. Result analysis was carried out using, in parts, BIS and ASAE standards. During stagnation test the highest plate temperature attained, with reflector exposed to solar radiation, was 131 oC. During water boiling test temperature of 5.2 kg of water inside the cooker rose from 60 to 90 oC in 80 minutes. The first figure of merit, F1, was calculated to be 0.123 and the second figure of merit, F2, was found to be 0.402, thus meeting BIS standard for box-type solar cookers. The coefficient of determination, R2 ,for standardized cooking power was found to be 0.5217 and the standardized cooking power for temperature difference of 50 oC was computed as 73.9 W. Cooking tests of various food items were superb and the overall thermal performance of the solar cooker is adjudged excellent.

Field, Testing, Evaluation, Truncated, Pyramid, Solar, Thermal, Cooker
Pages:         105-110

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