Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:
Biohydrogen production from cassava starch processing
waste by anaerobic mixed cultures
Tien Minh Hai, Ho Ngoc Hoang Kim, Luong Duy Quoc Thinh,
Tran Thi Tuong An, Le Thi Kim Phung
Abstract: Biohydrogen
is a sustainable energy resource due to its potentially
higher efficiency of conversion to usable power, high
energy density and non-polluting nature resource. In
this work, the experimental work has carried out to
indicate the possibility of generating biohydrogen as
well as identifying effective factors and the optimum
conditions from cassava starch processing waste. Present
paper investigated the methods of controlled condition
used to validate effects of various factors on
fermentative hydrogen production. Biohydrogen production
by fermentation in a series of batch tests under
different environmental control conditions was evaluated
to determine the optimal initial cultivation time, pH,
temperature, substrate concentration and different
nutrient resource. It was showed in the results that
high concentration of biohydrogen can be produced
and the biohydrogen production process significant
affected by the fermentative time, pH, temperature,
substrate concentration and nutrient resource as
glucose, starch, denatured starch, Fe2+, Zn2+, Ni2+.
This result will be applied to enhance the process of
cassava starch processing wastewater treatment.
Keywords: Biohydrogen, Cassava Starch,