Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:
Islanding detection of PMSG based variable speed wind
turbine by multilevel inverter with less number of
Authors: K.
Prasada Rao, Sukhdeo Sao
Abstract: Islanding in a gird
connected wind power generation system through a
multilevel converter may give a bad effect on equipments
or yield safety hazards on grid so it should be detected
rapidly and exactly. To improve the reliability and
safety in islanding detection, this paper presents an
active islanding detection technique for wind based
direct driven Permanent magnet synchronous generator
(PMSG) connected to grid through multilevel converter.
The requirement to interconnect a DG to distributed
system is the capability of the DG to detect islanding
detection. Islanding is a condition in which a part of
power grid isolated from a utility system which consists
of distributed generation and loads. The grid consists
of two distributed generation (DG) units. One unit is a
rotating synchronous generator and the other is
interfaced through a power electronic converter. The
proposed method uses dq transformation of vector
controlled converter. Apart from active power support to
the grid, distributed generation provide voltage
support, improve power factor or mitigate other power
quality problems. This paper examines effect of
islanding detection on behavior of DG. Simulation
results show that the proposed method is effective in
detecting islanding of distribution systems with DGs.
Keywords: Islanding, Islanding
Detection, Multilevel Converter, PMSG, PQ