Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
Title: Reuse of textile dying wastewater for irrigation in
cultivation of some selected crops: a review
Authors: Khandaker
S., Saha G., Islam M. S., Ratan M.M.R.
Abstract: With the industrial
development in bangladesh, the waste management systems
did not develop accordingly. Though the textile effluent
is a great burden for environmental pollution, it has
some useful aspects which may be utilized for beneficial
purposes instead of direct disposal. The use of dyeing
effluents for irrigation purpose may be an alternative
method for reuse which can meet the substantial
irrigation requirements in bangladesh. As per our study,
this type of practice in bangladesh has not yet started
extensively.Some researchers conducted their research
using different less contaminated wastewater from dyeing
process in irrigation of some vegetables where growth,
yield and nutritional qualities did not hampared.
However, some type of wastewater occured heavy metal
contamination in the different parts of vegetables. And
some other study was carried out using dilluted
wastewater where it was shown that dilluted wastewater
is suitable fo irrigation. Therefore in this study we
tried to make an integrated approach from different
research works to assess the reuse of wastewater on some
selected crops like indian spinach, steam amaranth, pea,
wheat, tomato etc.This information could be beneficial
for practical application of wastewater in irrigation in
bangladesh andcan be the sustainable solution to
industrial pollution.
Keywords: Dyeing Effluents, Reuse, Irrigation,
Yield And Growth, Heavy Metal, Environmental Pollution