Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:

Title:           Energy recovery from waste tyres and its recycling pattern in Khulna city
     Raisa Khan, Md. Tanvir Ishtiak Shaon, S. M. Moniruzzaman
   With the increase in vehicles, use of tyres is increasing day by day. After a use of long time, the upper surface of tyres becomes thin or leaked. The unplanned uses of waste tyres have serious impact on the environment. Recycling of waste tyres would a beneficial utilization of waste tyres, reduce environmental pollution and produce energy. The traditional recycling pattern of waste tyres has been analyzed in the Khulna (the third largest city of Bangladesh) and energy recovery from tyre waste has been studied for further use.The income of people related to recycling, production of new products from waste tyres and miscellaneous utilization are explained. A questionnaire survey was performed. About 1200 numbers of waste tyres are resoled
or recycled per month in Khulna city. Rubbers contain 1.20% moisture, 83.9% volatile matter, 4.9% fixed carbon and 9.9% non-combustible matter. Therefore, tyres would be a great source of renewable energy. It contains 23,260 KJ per kilogram of waste tyres as discarded basis, 23,543 KJ per kilogram as dry basis and 29,518 KJ per kilogram as ash-free basis. During resoling, about 80kg/day of tyre dust is produced from the cutting process. These tyre dust and worn tyres are used in local shoe sole factories and exported to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh for further treatment. About 45 people are directly involved in this profession in Khulna city. Tyre users are capable of using recycled tyres in case of new tyres and saved about 15 million bdt per month in Khulna city..

Tyre, Recycling, Environment, Energy Recovery, Khulna, Bangladesh.
:       262-265

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