Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Title: Development of a hybrid water treatment system using
solar still cum sand filter with ceramic media
Authors: Abdullah Al
Sadeek, Khondoker Mahbub Hassan
Abstract: A vast problem in
developing the appropriate water supply system for the
communities is that the aquifers containing fresh water
are not always found at convenient locations. Especially
in coastal areas, there is a much scarcity of pure water
because of high salinity in ground water. Again, surface
water is being contaminated by various kinds of
organisms and compounds. In that case, Desalination is
very effective for drinking water supply. This study has
been carried out to improve the water quality by using
tubular solar still and ceramic media along with sand
filtration to provide adequate and safe water supply in
coastal areas. In this study, solar desalination with a
tubular solar still along with sand filter (TSS-SF) was
designed and constructed.The laboratory experiment was
carried out on the top roof of the Civil Engineering
Department of Khulna University of Engineering and
Technology (KUET). The distilled water quality and
quantity were properly monitored. Various water quality
tests were performed between raw water and treated
water. Based on the analysis in study, some proposals
are given for the modification of TSS-SF.
Keywords: Aquifer, Salinity,
Desalination, Organisms and Ceramic Media
Pages: 232-236