Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Title: Determination of C/H/O fractions and lower heating
values for diesel-biodiesel blends derived from Vietnam
Authors: Thi Luong
Dinh, Vu Nguyen Hoang
Abstract: Lower heating value (LHV)
is very important input property to calculate working
cycle of internal combustion engine (ICE). It directly
affects performance and specific fuel consumption of
ICE. Applying the previous LHV calculation approaches of
diesel to biodiesel fuel causes significant errors due
to the presence of oxygen in biodiesel molecule. In this
work, the C/H/O fractions of pure diesel and biodiesel
were individually measured, then the C/H/O fractions of
diesel/biodiesel blends with different biodiesel
contents were theoretically determined and used to
calculate the LHV of the corresponding blends.Moreover,
the C/H/O fractions were also used to predict the
sufficiency of air mass needed to completely burn all of
the fuel (stoichiometric A/F ratio)..
Keywords: Diesel/Biodiesel Blend, Lower
Heating Value, C/H/O Fraction, Fuel