Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 03 JULY 2014:

Title:              E-waste recycling practices in Bangladesh
     A.S.M. Riyad, Kh. Mahbub Hassan, M. Jabed Iqbal, M. Abdur Rahim, S.M.Wasi Uddin
 The electrical and electronics industry is one of the world’s fastest growing manufacturing sectors.As a result of this rise in production, as well as the increasing rate of product obsolescence, waste from electrical and electronic equipment, or e-waste, has become the fastest-growing waste stream in the (post-) industrialized world. Sustainable management for e-waste recycling is a concerning fact in bangladesh to lessen environment pollution and health problems, which are attracting growing public interest. This study helps to scrutiny the existing e-waste management process and introduces proposals for the sustainable management of e-waste
products including the potentials of best possible recycling in the existing system. A structured questionnaire has been processed in dhaka and chittagong and existing literature were reviewed. Around 1,20,000 urban poor from the informal sector have been found to be involved in the e-waste recycling trade chain in dhaka city area where only children (under 10 year of age) accounted for approximately 50,000; amongst them about 40% were involved in ship breaking yards. Workers in the recycle shops were found to be less paid with monthly wages approximately bdt 3000 while a day labourer earns almost double approximately bdt 200 per day. The results of the study would provide us important insight into the growing concern of e-waste and would help us to gather input for designing policy measure to recycle e-wastes in a hazard-free manner.

  E-Waste, Environmental Impacts, Health Impact, Hotspot, Recycling
Pages:       193-200

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