Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 03 JULY 2014:

Title:             Use of industrial by-products in the manufacture of Mangalore roofing tiles – a comparative study
              M. Prasanna Kumar, U. Nithin, Prashant Shet, Purushotham G. Sarvade
      This paper mainly deals on the environmental issues by pollutants (fly ash, Incinerated sludge ash (ISA) and Crumb rubber powder (CRP)), which are considered as raw materials for manufacture of roofing tiles.The thermal power plants generate huge amount of fly ash as a solid waste material due to coal combustion. This fly ash are usually disposed in the open lands, which leads to the ground water contamination and fertility of the agriculture land and some of these enter into atmosphere by passing through the stacks along with the flue gases. Accumulation of unmanaged industrial or agricultural solid waste especially in developing countries has resulted in an increased environmental concern. Recycling of such wastes, ISA, as a sustainable construction material appears to be viable solution not only to pollution problem but also an economical option to design of green buildings. Crumb rubber is a term usually applied to recycled rubber from automotive and truck scrap tires. Recycling used tyres will combat various problems like environmental problems including fire and health hazards associated with the stockpiles of the used tyres. Use of these pollutants in the manufacture of roofing tile to increase the strength properties and which appears to be viable solution to pollution problem. Roofing tiles are the form of tiles used to build roof of the house instead of concrete. These kinds of tiles are most popularly used in coastal Karnataka, Kerala, and some parts of Goa. But in recent times the demand for roofing tiles have come down due to non-availability of good quality soil and increase in cost of the supporting structure due to the weight of the tiles. An attempt is made to evaluate the optimum percentage of admixtures required to increase its strength, plastic behavior of problem soil. Industrial byproducts like fly ash, Incinerated Sludge Ash (ISA), Crumb Rubber Powder (CRP) are used to improve the quality of the soil and get desired strength and plasticity. This paper presents the comparison of geotechnical properties when three types of admixtures were used to stabilize the soil. The investigation revealed that by adding 20% fly ash, 5% CRP and 15% ISA to the problem soil the desirable properties were obtained.

  Pollutants, Flyash , Crumb Rubber Powder (CRP), Incinerated Sludge Ash (ISA), Roofing Tiles,Stabilize.
:        169-173

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