Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Title: Air quality impact assessment of a highway corridor
through vehicular pollution modelling
Authors: Rajni
Dhyani, Sunil Gulia, Niraj Sharma, Anil Singh
Abstract: Rapid growth in road
transport sector leads to increased vehicular emissions
resulting in deterioration in ambient air quality. An
efficient and effective approach for assessment and
management of air pollution due to road transport is
necessary to improve ambient air quality. Environment
impact assessment (EIA) is a regulatory process to
assess and mitigate the negative impacts of proposed
infrastructure projects such as road and highway
projects. Air quality impact assessment including
vehicular pollution modelling is one of the vital
components of EIA process which deals with management of
the air quality along the proposed road and highway
corridors. The CALINE4 highway dispersion model is most
widely used tool to assess and predict the air quality
along the highways. The CALINE4 model uses traffic count
data, road geometry and local meteorological parameters
to predict pollutant concentrations along the
road/highway corridor. The present paper deals with
application of CALINE4 model to assess and predict the
carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations along a highway
corridor within the urban confines of Delhi as a case
Keywords: Environment Impact Assessment, Air
Quality Assessment, Vehicular Pollution Modelling,