Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2014:
Title: The dynamics of social and ecosystem for the sustainable
development of mankind: a system dynamics perspective
Authors: B. Giridhar Kamath,
Vasanth Vasudeva Pandubettu Kamath, Lewlyn L. R.
Abstract: Human beings depend on
the ecosystems for material and energy sources.
Human-ecosystem interaction is closely related with the
growing demands placed by people on ecosystems. Human
activities have always had an impact on the ecosystem as
a whole and over a period of time, this has had an
irreversible impact on the ecosystem and the imbalance
caused in the ecosystem have started to take its toll on
the flora and fauna.The challenge now ahead of mankind
is to focus on sustainable development and fight against
issues like global warming and delayed rainfalls. Both
the renewable and nonrenewable resources are under the
threat of depletion. Issues like growing human
population, deforestation, acute fuel shortage, and food
production crisis drives our attention to sustainable
development. The concept of sustainable development is
making rounds ever since its inception in 1987. This
paper proposes to build a conceptual model that relates
social system and ecosystem with social, economic and
environmental factors so as to build a System Dynamics
model highlighting sustainable development.
Keywords: Social Sustainability, Ecological
Sustainability, Economic Sustainability, Environmental
Sustainability, System Dynamics.
Pages: 53-57