Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2014:
Title: Impact of urbanization on municipal solid waste
management: a system dynamics approach
Authors: Rajesh R.
Pai, Lewlyn L. R. Rodrigues, Asish Oommen Mathew, Sunith
Abstract: Today, increasing population
and rapid development are posing challenges on the
“environmental sustainability”. One of the major
concerns is on effective management of Municipal Solid
Waste (MSW). This includes nonhazardous garbage,
rubbish, and trash from homes, institutions, and
industrial facilities. Garbage contains moist wastes
like food, meat and vegetables; rubbish encompasses
mostly dry constituents such as glass, textiles, paper,
and plastic objects; and trash includes bulky waste
materials and objects that are not collected routinely
for disposal such as discarded mattresses, appliances,
and pieces of furniture. Therefore
waste should be traced and has to be recovered as much
as possible. Even though, there are different policies
to counter this problem, the compliance is a cause of
concern. Having identified this need, an attempt has
been made to study the impact of increasing population
on the amount of waste generation through System
Dynamics (SD) Modeling on the basis of which effective
strategies could be developed for managing the same.
Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste,
Urbanization, System Dynamics
Pages: 31-37