Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 01 NO. 01 OCTOBER 2013:
Improving the energy efficiency by process parameter
optimization approach: a case study for induction
Authors: Phuong-Xuan Dang
Abstract: This paper introduces a method
of improving the energy efficiency using process
parameter optimization approach. The energy consumption
of a manufacturing process depends not only on the
efficiency of its machines and equipment but also the
process parameter. An optimum process parameter can
increase the energy efficiency effectively. A case study
for induction heating process is demonstrated to show
the application of process parameter optimization
approach. The result shows that the energy efficiency
can varies 10% in the valid input range of process
parameter. Therefore, the selection of optimum process
parameter is the best way,which is low or zero capital
cost, for improving the energy efficiency
Keywords: Energy savings, Induction Heating,
Process Parameter Optimization
Pages: 12-16