Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2017:
Title: Effects of
Openings at Different Location on Lateral Stiffness and
Strength of
Infilled RC Frame: A Review
Authors: Shabbir Ahmad, Syed
Azmat Ali Shah, Ishtiaq Alam, Johar Hafeez, Khan
Abstract: Masonry
infill walls are globally used in RC frame including
many developing countries. In the design, the properties
of masonry infills are not generally taken into account
and are considered as non-structural elements. Only the
dead weight of the infill is considered in design while
its effects on structural strength, stiffness and
ductility is neglected, which may ultimately lead to an
unsafe design. During lateral loading, Infills combined
with the RC frame structures, increases the strength and
stiffness of structures as compared to bare frame. In
bounding frame, infill walls act as compression strut.
Compression forces produced in the infill wall, moves
from one node to the other. After providing openings in
infill wall, the lateral loads resistance decreases and
ultimately adds in reduction of structural strength and
stiffness. This Paper reproduces information about, how
masonry infill RC frames (with and without openings),
can resist applied lateral forces. The previous studies
summarized that the infilled walls bounding with RC
frames increases the lateral stiffness, strength and
reduce deflection while the RC frame having openings has
properties opposite to it..
Keywords: Reinforced Concrete
Frame, URM Infills, Compression Strut, Lateral Loads