Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2017:
Design criteria of round shape filters for
cohesion-less bases
Nasir Ahmad Rather, Mohd Akbar Lone, Abdul Qayoom Dar
Abstract: The
paper presents a laboratory study on development of
design criterion of round shape filter material for
cohesion-less bases. Most of the existing design
criteria of protective filters are based on certain
particle size ratios of filter and base material and
hold good only for the shape of filter material that has
been actually used in the laboratory tests for
development of such criterion. Round shaped filter
material has been used in the present study for the
development of design criterion. The design criterion of
round shape filter material has been developed on the
basis of D15 and permeability (k)
of filter material and d85 of base
material. The suggested design criterion has been
further validated in the laboratory.
Keywords: Round Shape Filter,
Cohesion-Less Bases, Shape of Particles, Migration of
Fines, Design Criteria of Filters.
Pages: 120-125