Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 02 JULY 2017:
Title: Capacity
Assessment of Confined Brick Masonry Structures
Authors: Imad
Ahmad, H. Asfandyar Ahmad, Bashir Alam, Muhammad Ayub,
Khan Shahzada
Abstract: Brick masonry is widely used
for building construction throughout the world. In
Pakistan brick masonry is also preferred for
construction because of its simplicity in casting,
elegance in appearance and its toughness against the
harsh weathering actions of frost and acidity. However,
unreinforced brick masonry performed very poor in the
earthquake of 2005 in Pakistan, resulting in a decline
in the use of brick masonry. In order to investigate and
quantify the performance of brick masonry against the
seismic forces by confining it through typical stiffer,
line elements (column and beams), a full scaled model of
plan size (12'x10') and (11') high was constructed using
confined brick masonry. The model was tested under Push
over loading system, in which the model was subjected to
1 cycle of Monotonic loading in each direction, in a
force controlled system. Crack Pattern was noted at the
end of each cycle. The response of the model was
interpreted through a monotonic load-displacement curve.
Keywords: Confined Brick Masonry,
Pushover loading, Seismic Capacity Assessment