Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 02 JULY 2017:
Title: Seismic
Evaluation and effect of shear wall of high-rise
buildings using drift control
Authors: Abdul
Qadir Bhatti
Abstract: Shear wall is a technique
used to control lateral drift in structures subjected to
seismic and wind forces. Shear wall adds stiffness to
the building which in turn reduces lateral drifts. The
two important aspects regarding shear walls are its
location in the building and the thickness used by the
In order to visualize the effectiveness of shear wall 3
case studies of existing structures have been performed.
Location and thickness are the variable parameters in
each case study. Each case study is carried out in 3
phases. Modeling is done followed by detailed
configuration of the building. Response spectrum
analysis is performed due to irregularities in
structures and seismic intensity. The results are
tabulated and expressed in the form of graphs. These
graphs relate the maximum lateral drift against the
floor number when subjected to seismic loads.
The best possible case is selected on basis of economy
and parameters specified above. It is then compared with
original building to see the optimization and economy
that would have been achieved if this case would have
been implemented on site. What we have seen is that 6”
shear wall yields better results than 12” shear wall in
all case studies. This results in better economy,
ductility and satisfies all the drift limits of BCP
Keywords: Shear walls; Seismic
resistant structures; Muti-story buildings